Staff and families celebrated another round of graduates from the Incredible Years parenting programme on July 7th.
Run over 14 weeks, you can bring your children, there is kai, and some of the best parent training New Zealand has to offer! If you would like to enrol for the next free course, please give the team a call on 0800 326 78 278
Michelle Wilson is mum to three boys, aged nine, three and one
She says Incredible Years taught her a range of skills to keep the family functioning well.
“I’ve got them in a routine now. I’m getting down to their level when I’m speaking to them. I learnt that you can’t talk down to them - you’ve got to come down to their level.”
Michelle liked how the course offered different strategies for children of different ages. And, she says she’s spending a lot more time playing with her children - teaching them more social skills - including consequences for their actions.
Michelle believes anyone struggling with the pressures of parenting should consider signing up to Incredible Years.
“They’d learn a lot. If they’re feeling like things are getting a bit of top of them - this course for me covered everything."
Michelle (front centre), with her mum (left), her social worker Maria (back centre) and two of her children
Sofrana Ain Khan is a single mum to three children age five, two and six months.
She has been working with her social worker, Manjeet, for almost five years but this is her first IY course.
"Manjeet has been my biggest support. I’ve been through so much, but whenever I saw Manjeet at my door it was a relief. I could talk to her about anything and she is so positive. She has helped me change so much."
Sofrana decided to do the IY course for her oldest son, Aaron.
"My feeling was that if I could get things right with Aaron everything would follow on. He was my focus."
She says the list of benefits of the course goes on and on.
"It’s made a huge difference and I’ve changed a lot. My patience has increased, we have strong house rules, and I don't get frustrated and give up."
She says Aaron, who used to get jealous and angry when she spent time with her other children, is not the same boy as 14 weeks ago.
"We spend much more quality time together. I was spending more time with the baby before and he wasn’t feeling secure. I now spend time reading books, listening to him, he feels more attached and we have a closer bond. He knows he is loved. I am very proud of myself."
Sofrana with her certificate
Mahinerangi Wihapi has six children age 12 through to one year
She began working with FSM this year, and signed up for IY straight away.
"I've learned not to stress out and get angry. I would get angry before and shout before talking to the children, bit not anymore," she says.
Mahinerangi was also pleased she could apply her learnings to all her children.
"Even the oldest has benefitted. It's change me a lot. I’m less stressed, we’ve got clear house rules so they know what they’r meant to be doing and when and I’ve got reward charts for the younger children."
She says her two older sons now help out a lot, and keep her in line.
"If I get flustered they remind me, 'Mum don’t yell!' They’re not so angry now either, they’re much more patient. Our whole family attitude has changed."
Mahinerangi with her youngest two sons, enjoying the kai