Q: What’s your official job title, and what does it mean?
A: I’m a lead professional, I work with the Vulnerable Children’s Team. I work with families with children of all ages and all sorts of circumstances. I love this work, it’s so diverse. I like a collaborative approach to social work – me and my families are a team.
Q: What time do you usually get into the office, and what’s the first thing you do?
A: As soon as I’m in I say good morning to everybody! And give them a compliment, give them a boost. And then I have a cup of tea and a feed and share panui.
Q: What’s the most important part of your day?
A: My music time. I sit and listen to music and think and download. It’s good to process.
Huia (right) with supervisor Dolly.
Q: What’s your favourite part of your day?
A: Every day has a funny side, and I love that. You’ve got to see the comedy in life. There is so much laughter and the joking with the team.
Q: What’s the one thing about work you would change?
A: I think we should all work in pairs, especially with the really heavy cases. Two brains are better than one. Two supports for your family are better than one. Two sets of eyes see a lot more than one. There are times and places when it’s good to work alone, but I think our families would benefit from a team approach.