Egg and Vegetable Fried Rice

Serves 6

Cost per person $0.40


3 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 cups cooked rice (1 cup of uncooked rice)
2 cups of frozen stir-fry vegetables
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoon soy sauce
pinch sugar
1 to 2 beaten eggs


Cook the rice the day before and leave in the fridge over night. This is also a great way to use up leftovers. 

In a large skillet over high heat, heat the oil until shimmering. Add the rice and cook, stirring, breaking up any clumps for about three to five minutes.

Add the vegetables and cook, stirring for another 10 minutes, until the vegetables are hot. In a small bowl combine the water, soy sauce, and sugar. Add this mixture to the pan. Keep stirring for 1 minute further. In the same bowl, beat the eggs. Push the rice mixture to the side of the pan and cook the eggs, stirring to scramble. Once scrambled, fold the eggs into the rice. Serve hot.

Top tip: Add cooked diced chicken, bacon or some kai moana for protein