Fathers for Families has moved to its own spanking new website. Click on the link above to check it out!
The Fathers For Families programme, peer support group and fitness programme, were created specifically with dads in mind. For the past seven years, our skilled facilitators have been working with men to help them overcome significant, complex life challenges, from convictions to substance abuse and everything in between.
The programme consists of a 10-week course, followed by an ongoing peer support group every Monday evening where graduates can continue to help each other and share experiences.
Who can do Fathers for Families?
The course and peer support group is open to all men who are involved in caring for kids.
Monty & Dave from the Fathers for Families programme
What's Involved?
There are three parts to Fathers for Families: First Contact, The Foundations Programme, and Resolutions Peer Support Group.
First Contact
Once contact has been made, a facilitator will follow up to discuss that individual’s needs and goals, as well as starting a case management plan for them.
2. The Foundations - 10-week programme
Topics to be explored include:
Why you think and act the way you do?
How you can take control of your anger and behaviour?
How to solve problems with your kids and family?
What new parenting skills will help you create a happier home?
The course provides clarity on self, identity, triggers, and setting a plan for reaching goals. Participants also enjoy a graduation ceremony at the end of the programme with their loved ones.
3. Peer Support & Fitness Group
After completing Foundations, graduates are invited to join the Peer Support Group, to meet every Monday at 6:30pm at our offices in Wiri and continue the hard work of supporting each others’ growth.
Benefits of the support group include:
Peer support from other dads
Ongoing support from a professional social worker (if needed)
A mean feed before each group meeting
Free gym membership and fitness programme
Free doctors appointments and alternative wellbeing therapies *
Support letters and referrals for training and employment
Our Vision
Our vision is that men understand themselves well enough to create a safe and loving environment to help their families thrive. Here are the core steps…
Restoring Mana
The journey of understanding who you are
Building Legacy
Positively changing intergenerational parenting effects
Thriving Families
Resilience to create family unity, safe children and healthy communications